
"You want to know the races relate? Well, it's like this, nobody really likes anybody else, but we all need something from somebody, so we keep it together. But everybody hates the Therans! And from the looks of you I don't expect to be too fond of you either!"
-Balda the Blunt, Dwarven Warrior, showing how he got his nickname

This is home to the races of Barsaive. They are currently being  typed up. You'll notice all the races have a +2 overall modifier, except Windlings who get flight instead. I did this because otherwise I'd have to remove a lot of the bonuses given in Earthdawn to get them balanced. Also it always seemed to me that the races in Earthdawn were a bit stronger than the standard D&D races. They will hopefully be balanced by the power of the monsters who also seemed tough to me. Also, since I'm going to use a VP/WP system, combat overall will be deadlier and characters will need to be tougher.

    Dwarves are a short, stocky race of earth dwellers, that disdain riding animals and the open sea. They are strong and incredibly tough. Socially they lack a refined nature and are considered abrupt by some other races. They stand 4 feet, on average, and weigh 120 pounds. They live to around 100 years and are the most common race in Barsaive. Dwarven skin tones range from pale white to ebony. Dwarvish is considered the common language of Barsaive. They are fiercely loyal to clan and tribe.

Game Statistics
+2 Strength, +2 Constitution, -2 Charisma
Base speed of 20 ft.
Darkvision 60 ft.
Favored Class: Weaponsmith

    Elves are a tall, slender race of wilderness dwellers, they have a close connection to nature and often build homes from living plants. They are agile, yet they are frail and can't take as much punishment as other races. They are considered attractive and congenial by most other races. They stand 6 feet 3 inches, on average, and weigh 150 pounds. They live to 300 years of age. Elven skin tones range include white, pink, tan, brown, and midnight black. Rarer skin tones include pale green and cetharel, an iridescent color. They have strong loyalties to their families.

Game Statistics
+2 Dexterity, -2 Constitution, +2 Charisma
Base speed of 30 ft.
Low Light Vision
Favored Class: Archer

    Humans are a race of city dwellers that are extremely versatile. They excel in no particular attribute but can be proficient in all. They stand 5 feet 7 inches on average and weigh 150 pounds. The live to 75 years of age. Skin tones range from ebony to tan to pinkish-white. They can transfer their loyalties in many hierarchies and have been know to maintain close ties to family, tribe, clans, or nations.

Game Statistics
+2 to any one ability of choice
Base speed of 30 ft.
Versatility: Can learn any 4 skills or talents as cross-class skills.
Favored Class: Any

    Obsidimen are a race of rock-based humanoids. They are extremely powerful and tough, but their stone skin decreases their agility. They are not know for their intelligence and their alien nature means they don't relate well to most species. They stand 7 feet 3 inches on average and weigh a massive 900 pounds. They have a connection to a Liferock, they largest stone within four hours of their place of birth, and can stay away from it for 500 years upon reaching maturity. As they age they seek to spend more and more time attached to it, o their lifespan is unknown. Their skin and tissue has the properties of stone and is often black or gray. Noble family can have veins of semi-precious stone on in their skins. Also of note they have blue-gray blood. They closest loyalties are to their Liferock and all others formed from it.

Game Statistics
+4 Strength, -2 Dexterity, +4 Constitution, -2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma
Base speed of 20 ft.
+3 Wound Points
Can use heavy weapons one-handed with taking the associated feat.
Minimum Strength of 15
+1 natural armor bonus
Favored Class: Warrior

Orks are a race of nomads. They are powerful and tough. However, most races consider them barbaric and dangerous. They stand 6 feet 3 inches on average and weigh 225 pounds. They live to about 40 years but ages greater than 60 are not unknown. Their skins are normally olive green, pinkish-white, beige, tan or ebony. Their greatest loyalty lies with their tribe.

Game Statistics
+2 Strength, +2 Constitution, -2 Charisma
Base speed of 30 ft.
Low-light vision
Favored Class: Calvaryman

Trolls are a horned race of raiders. They are extremely strong and can receive much punishment. They are not know for great intelligence or social graces. They stand a towering 8 feet 6 inches and weigh 500 pounds. They live to be 50 years. Their skins are rough with deposits of trolthelia, a material like rhinoceros horn, and skin ranges from olive to mahogany-brown in color. They are deeply loyal to their clans and the troll clans are known to fight each other.

Game Statistics
+4 Strength, +2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma
Base speed of 30 ft.
Darkvision 60 ft.
Can use heavy weapons one-handed with taking the associated feat.
Minimum Strength of 11
Minimum Constitution of 11
Favored Class: Sky Raider

T'skrang are a reptilian race of sailors. They are fast and agile. They aren't know for their willpower but and dramatic and flashy. They stand 5 feet 9 inches with 6 feet of length added by their tails, they weigh 200 pounds of which 40 is tail. The live to be 80 years or more. Their skin tones range from green, green-blue, green-yellow, aqua-blues, to sunset reds. They are loyal to their families but can transfer their loyalties.

Game Statistics
+2 Dexterity, -2 Wisdom, +2 Charisma
Base speed of 30 ft.
Tail Attack: Can make attacks with their tail for 1d6 damage. These are considered armed attacks.
Favored Class: Swordmaster

Windlings are a winged race of wilderness dwellers. They are fast, but their size means they are neither strong nor tough. They have a quick wit, street smarts, and are naturally charismatic. They are 18 inches in height and weigh 13 pounds. They live to be 170 years on average. They have a pair of double wings, like a dragonfly. Their skin color matches the brightest dominant color in their environment. It takes 2 to 3 months of habitation in a environment before their skin will change. They are individuals and don't have great ties to any particular organization.

Game Statistics
-4 Strength, +2 Dexterity, -4 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, +2 Charisma
Tiny: +2 size bonus to AC and To Hit. +8 size bonus to Hide.
Base speed of 10 ft. on the ground and flight (good) 30 ft.
Astral Sensitive: As a free action, Windlings may take 1 strain damage and Detect Magic.
Maximum Strength of 11 (when character is created).
Favored Class: Thief 


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